
Stop Facebook videos from auto playing

Saturday, October 3, 2015
12:24 AM

Use Case:
One dark night I am happily playing my music playlist. I logged on to my Facebook account, and then these weird videos started to play every now and then. #Annoyed

Why do we want to stop it?

  • It consumes bandwidth
  • It consumes bandwidth even if we stop it (it continues to buffer)
  • We get surprised when it automatically plays
  • It messes up with the music that has been playing in our smartphone’s music player (if you are playing music while browsing.


  1. When you are logged on to Facebook, click the tiny down arrow on the upper right corner of your screen.
  2. It will show many menus, click on “Settings”

  3. You will be redirected to General Account Settings. On the left menu, click “Videos”.

  4. You will be redirected to the videos settings page. On this page, Click the drop down menu which corresponds to “Auto-Play Video”, and select “Off”.

  5. And Voila! No more pesky auto playing videos!